
 Markets and Firms

Limits to Upgrading for Small Firms in Uganda (with Julia Cajal-Grossi, Jonathan Morduch, Lore Vandewalle and Chris Woodruff)

(Not so) many fish in the sea: Heterogeneous agents' responses to policy in Indonesian fisheries

Chickening out: Relational bargaining and price setting in the Indonesian poultry supply chain

Labour, Gender, and Development

Can, E., Halim, D., Perova, E. (2020). “What Factors Exacerbate and Mitigate the Risk of Gender-Based Violence During COVID-19? : Insights From a Phone Survey in Indonesia”. World Bank. (link)

Earning to Yearn: Workfare and Women’s Agency in Laos (with Elizaveta Perova and Sarah Reynolds)

Reaching women: Biases and best practices for mobile phone data collection in low-resource settings (with Amber Peterman, Elizaveta Perova, Neha Kumar)

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Migrant Workers during COVID-19 (with Daniel Halim, Çağlar Özden, Elizaveta Perova, Ganesh Seshan)

 Poverty and Inequality

Can, E., Tran, A., Yang, J. (2022) “Early human capital formation and poverty reduction”, Vietnam 2022 Poverty Assessment, Chapter 4 (pp.110-132). World Bank. (link)

Can, E., Yang, J. (2021) “A Year Deferred - Early Experiences and Lessons from Covid-19 in Vietnam”, Chapter 5 (pp. 82-92), Appendix I (pp.139-140). World Bank. (link)

 Social Capital, Historical Forces, and Other Topics

Royally skewed: statistical power and inference under highly-skewed clusters

Diversity and Homophily with Adverse Selection (with Eric Wang)

Of Church and Community: Religion and Social Capital in Indonesia (with Canyon Can and Chaikal Nuryakin)

Drugs and Deficits: Long term impacts of fiscal reform